Thursday, January 15, 2004


"When you're soaring through the air, I'll be your solid ground...Take every chance you dare, I'll still be there when you come back down" --Nickel Creek

Wow. It seems like ages since I have journaled on here. Most of you who know me understand why - December was an insane month! So let's get to the updates.

If you're reading this, you know that the CD is COMPLETE! And not only complete, but sitting in boxes in my closet waiting for all of you to get your copies! As usual, when you say something like "it will be ready...barring any issues" there are always issues. But the good thing is that it is done, I'm happy with it, and you can start ordering away!

The other huge news in my life is that I after 5 years in Nashville, I have moved back to St. Louis. This is something that I knew I would do, it was always just a matter of time. So, I packed up my life, was a transient for a while (thanks Mike & Rob), and moved back in with my parents (gasp!) on December 20th.

I love being home, it feels right. I am still looking for a job, but the right one will come along. I haven't started playing out in St. Louis yet, but it is definitely on my short list of goals for the next month or so. I'll be finding a place of my own (hopefully sooner than later) but am grateful for the support of my family right now. All of that change that happened over the past several months was laying the groundwork for this big change. I see that now. It was hard to walk through, but I have such high hopes for this next chapter of my life.

2004 will be a good year. I can feel it in my bones.

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