From the Mixed Up Files of Ms. You-Know-Who
Do you really want to know what goes on in this girl's brain???
Thursday, February 17, 2011
It's a new dawn, it's a new day...and I'm feeling good?
I've been feeling a little kicked around over the last several weeks, and I am done with it. So, here's to a fresh start, a new day, and some good things on the horizon.
One of my goals for this year was to get myself back into the groove of posting to this blog. This is one tiny baby step, which I feel are always best taken at 10:23 on a Thursday night after paying bills. Don't you?
My hope is to be diligent about posting news about all the good and exciting things in my life, which are plentiful. There will definitely be talk of the upcoming wedding...I am excited to be a Mrs. later this year!
But, for tonight, a bit of the proverbial turn of the page on the blog and that's about all I can do. Stay tuned!
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Slacker = Me
I am tres terrible. Has it really been almost 2 months since I have blogged on here? Bad, bad, bad Cara!!!
I am jealous of Jen's trip to Seattle and her fab blog about it (check her out here) and so I am going to do a quick update with more empty promises about being a better blogger. This is exactly what I would do when I tried to keep a diary throughout my life... good for a while, then months, maybe years pass with me looking back and wondering what the heck was going on with me. Because this blog is really mostly for me to look back on my life - only a select few care that much about my little world, and that is fine with me.
Ok. Here goes. And I meant it when I said this would be quick. I need to go clean up for dinner in about 5-10 minutes.
August. I went to Denver. It was lovely, I mostly behaved myself at our Annual Meeting (there was one night I lost my cell phone and had a LOT to drink, but all was good.) I stayed with my cousin again at his place in the mountains and had a grand time. Watched a lot of LOGO and this marathon of Noah's Arc. Check it out, it is fun.
September. The beginning of the month is a bit of a blur. I was in town. My mom had a birthday. My boss quit. Then I went to Dallas around the 20th or so for an age. My brother's dog, Dozer died while I was out of town and it was traumatic for the fam. I spent most of the day after I found out crying in corners while I wasn't working (I am sensitive. I cry when I see a dog or cat on the side of the road). The boy applied for and got a new job and I was very excited for him.
October. Again, I am losing clarity on the beginning of the month. Work has been very busy and hectic. I know that Lost season 2 came out on DVD and I had a marathon at the boy's house. My Dad finished his last MBA class. We had a picnic with the Beckerle side of the family at Creve Coeur park which was fun. I came to San Antonio to work a meeting, and will be in Texas until Tuesday.
Upcoming in my little life. I will visit Nashville in November (for a quick planning meeting) and December (longer time - about 7 days). I turn 30 November 8th. I will have been living in my house for 1 year the first week of November (I actually am officially a year into being a homeowner as of 10/20). I still like the boy, and he hasn't gotten tired of me in the last 6 months. I am looking forward to the holidays, some down time, and a happy new year.
So, that's it, ladies and germs. Your sporadic update on the happenings in my life that I am able to remember when I sit down to blog. There may be more, but the old noodle isn't what it used to be. :)
Love to all!
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
On the Road Again
Have I yet mentioned that fall gets really busy for me? Well, fall is started. The kids are back in school and I am ramping up for my biggest meetings of the year in September and December. There is lots of work to be done and I am just the girl to do it. :)
It's been a busy couple of weeks so time to catch you up.
Had people in town and did the STL tour guide thing. I made an itinerary because that is what I do and it was pretty fun. The highlights for me were the Zoo and the Missouri Botanical Garden
We didn't get to see the new baby elephant like I wanted to - but I will see her sometime this fall! Isn't she cute? If you go to the website you can help name her.

Also at the zoo we saw the tiger and rode the train. It was fun fun fun. I sound like I am a 10-year-old so I will move along.
I think that Dale Chihuly is amazing. The exhibition at the garden was beautiful and we had a great day to just walk around. I took a zillion pictures with my camera phone, which I will share with you, but I couldn't get a good shot of the one piece I liked the best - the chandelier under the bridge in the Japanese Garden. Isn't it beautiful?
I also loved the installation at the reflecting pond. My pics aren't as good as the professional one but I had fun taking them!
And more - herons, hornets, swans, lots of pretty amazing art glass. I decided not to spend $5000 on a bowl. But I thought about it for a delusional second.

This weekend I went to Chicago to see Jen. We had a lovely time, saw other friends, and ate & drank too much. We walked on the lake and saw the end of the Air Show with the Blue Angels. That was cool.
We also saw Talladega Nights and laughed and laughed.
Sunday night was an odd night. We went to see a show at The Second City (funny) and then went to one of Jen's favorite dive bars, the Dubble Bubble. Many adventures ensued, but one of the highlights of the night was later on in the evening (or in the morning) when we went to Carol's Pub and I sang "Crazy" and "Stand By Your Man" with the band. It was fun and we stayed out way past my bedtime.
Monday we went to lunch on Michigan Avenue and decided to go into the American Girl Place for some inappropriate giggles at the frightening army of dolls there. I think the workers there take things quite seriously so we tried our best to behave. But that didn't stop me from taking some funny pictures.
Here is Jen playing the guitar. And me getting ready to wash my face.
And Brian and Brockman with their scary doll twins. We saw lots of obnoxious spoiled children and I vowed to never take a daughter there for high tea. That place is seriously twisted.
I'm leaving again Sunday for Denver for our company's annual meeting. It is always a good old time and I am sure that I will have stories to tell!
Be good!
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
This is a lot of information - READYSETGO!
I am finally getting around to updating the blog. Now, I know I talk about being a slacker constantly and of course this is proven by nearly two months of inactivity on this site. However, I have been updating my myspace page on a much more regular basis. For some reason I feel like the blogger page is more “official” and I have to have sort of sense of purpose or at least complete sentences on this page. I can’t explain this thought process with any sense of rhyme or reason, though. I do feel bad about not keeping people who are not on myspace up to date on my life, no matter how small and insignificant those updates may be.
So (drumroll please) you are not only going to be blessed with a synopsis of the most recent events in my life, I am going to treat you with a string of the myspace blog entries since my last time on this page. Don’t get too excited…I am not promising insight or depth but it will give you a peek into my crazy mixed up brain!
About 3 weeks ago, I got first-hand experience on the effects of the largest power outage in St. Louis history. There were two storms that knocked out upwards of 600,000 people in the metro area – and I’ve seen some reports of closer to the 1 million mark some places. I was talking to the boy on the phone when the first rolled through Wednesday, July 19th from my meeting in DC and the winds were very, very bad. Some places experienced somewhere around 90 mph winds from what I’ve read.
My arrival home on Thursday was then, of course, to a hot and dim house. I was really hoping for the power to go back on Thursday night not knowing how bad we had been hit, so that didn’t happen. After an evening of dinner and a movie (and air conditioning) I ended up staying at a friend’s house because it was so darn hot. Why work couldn’t have been affected by the outage, I don’t know, but I had to go in on Friday. That morning another intense storm blew through and took out even more homes in the area, just as they were starting to work on getting things repaired.
No power still on Friday. Stayed with the boy. No power still on Saturday. Went home to check on the cats, pack a bag, and throw away the spoiled food in my freezer & fridge. Sang at a wedding that was relocated because of the outage. Moved to the parents’ house for the next 5 days, periodically checking on the kitties and obsessively checking the Ameren website for how many people were still without power and my own little “personal outage” page that kept telling me I had no power. I became completely obsessed with the discussion of the outage and the hope that one day I might be able to go home. The urge to be in my own space and own bed after I am gone for work is pretty strong, but again, it was July in St. Louis where heat and humidity rule. I am not insane. It was HOT.
Wednesday the boy and I went out to dinner and returned to my neighborhood in hopes that the power would be back on and we could watch a movie or something. As we pulled along the main road, I started seeing porch lights on the houses burning, igniting the little flame of hope in my heart. Turning into the front part of the subdivision, there were more porch lights on. I was really excited at this point. Alas, when we pulled onto my street everything was still dark. I almost cried I was so disappointed, as this day marked 12 days since I my life had been “normal.”
Thursday was an interesting day at work. I was semi-conned into going to a golf event for work. When I was approached all non-golfers were encouraged to go, it was going to be just some fun and there were golf carts and beer in the picture. A couple days before the event I find out that I actually have to play golf in a foursome. Wha-wha-what? This is not what I signed up for. I attempted to weasel out of it but my arm was twisted and I ended up going. Now, don’t feel too sorry for me. I did get paid for spending a day on the golf course. And I actually had fun. I am terrible, but every time I made contact with the ball I felt pretty ok about myself. The few times I actually made it fly more than 10 feet were pretty exhilarating, to be honest. The boys (of course it was all guys) were very kind and coached me well. It’s not something that I would do every day, but it was surprisingly fun.
As I was sitting in the clubhouse having a drink after the game (yes, I said clubhouse, and yes, it was still me and the boys club) my cell rings. E-liz is calling to tell me she stopped by my house and THE POWER IS ON!!!!!!!! I think I actually shed a tear over this. Being the great friend she is, she closed the windows and turned down the air and I got to sleep in my own bed that night. It was so joyful!
I got to spend three beautiful nights in my own house with my own stuff in my own bed before my family left for Hilton Head, SC for vacation. We had a great time – spent time on the beach, at the pool (and the pool bar), took a couple of boat rides, saw dolphins, collected shells, held an alligator, went putt-putting, ate out and watched movies. It was completely relaxing and so what I needed. After a week, I was ready to come home and see my boy, see the kitties and sleep in my own bed. (I talk a lot about sleeping in my own bed… weird because it’s not like it is a super comfortable mega bed or anything. It’s actually kind of a piece of crap and I need a new mattress. But I guess it is my piece of crap.)
So now, it’s back to the grind. August is busy and then it’s just a race to the end of the year. I’m traveling a lot for work, so I know it will fly by. And there you have my life story of the last few weeks. Enjoy the other entries below and relish in the excitement that is my life!
Saturday, August 05, 2006
i'm back
i'm tired.
i'll have to fill you in on my little life later.
Saturday, July 29, 2006
i'm going on vacation tomorrow! yay! a week on the beach is just what the doctor ordered.
i will have to entertain you with stories about my power outage (it's back on), golfing (i sucked) and more when i get back.
be good. :)
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
day seven as a transient
still no power. i am trying to keep a positive attitude (you know me, polly positive) but i am getting whiny about it.
i want to go hooooooooooooooooooome! and sleep in my oooooownnnnn bed! waaaaaaaaaaaaah!
whew! glad that is out of my system. i am hopeful the power will be back on tomorrow. tomorrow, i love ya, tomorrow. you're only a day away. and now i am just slap-happy and stupid and boring the tar out of all of you. so i'll stop.
remind me to tell you about me golfing tomorrow. should be entertaining. or something.
Saturday, July 22, 2006
three days and counting
i am still without power at my house. it went out weds night while i was still out of town and hasn't gone back on yet. for me and about 300,000 other people in STL.
i have been a vagabond the last few nights, sleeping at different places with AC and am at my folks' house tonight. i've been back to check on the cats, pick up laundry to do here, clean out my freezer of about $60 of spoiled food, and pack an overnight bag for who knows how many nights.
please ameren, make my block the next block you fix. i've been home for days and still have yet to sleep in my own bed (although I'm not complaining about the bed I slept in last night).
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
oh say can you see...
i can see the washington monument from my hotel room.
i can see a glass of wine on the desk in front of me.
i can see the awesome highlights that my hairdresser jim gave me about 10 days ago.
i can see my reflection looking damn tired in the mirror.
i can see the end of my meeting happening very soon.
soon and very soon i will be coming back home, sleeping in my own bed, driving the new jeep, hanging with the boy, being very happy to be home again.
Saturday, July 15, 2006
cara + camera phone= DANGER!
hi y'all. i'm in DC for work. Not working tonight, but tomorrow the madness ensues.
i recently got a new camera phone (thank you motorola for making crap phones that keep breaking and getting me upgrades for free) and have been snapping random pics A LOT. often whilst drinking. or sitting around my house with the cats. and it also brings out my vanity as i try to get a cute shot of myself. i am a dork.
anyway, just found out how to get them off my phone and onto the web. probably costing me an arm and a leg because it's through t-mobile, but hopefully the boy can help me figure out a better way someday.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Went to see the new "Pirates" movie tonight. It was fun and entertaining. My boyfriend Johnny Depp is adorable.
However, the favorite quote of the night was this: "Billy Ocean is a bossy pimp." And it started with a conversation about the movie - figure that one out.
Liz is getting a t-shirt with that quote. She will be the envy of many.
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
the name game
much better today and it's not even because i had two beers tonight!
i have exciting news! my dad bought a new car so i get to buy his jeep! i am so happy to have AC, a radio, and a sunroof i can hardly stand it.
so, the search is out for a name for the new wheels. my rules are simple:
1) the name has to be a "real person" name (not "car" or "green hornet" or anything like that)
2) it has to be a male name. girls drive boy cars.
3) it has to "fit" the type of car. mine is a dark purple jeep grand cherokee, somewhere in the early to mid 90s model year.
ideas anyone?
Sunday, July 09, 2006
i'm kind of schmoopy tonight.
earlier this evening was fun...hanging with my girl marcie for her birthday - i sucked at bowling and played the jukebox.
but now i'm home and moping around watching dumb chick movies. i need to just go to bed and start again tomorrow. fresh start, all that jazz.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
a bunch of random crap, or my typical blog
today was the first day back to work after a lovely 4-day weekend. it was not too terribly bad but I still didn't want to be there.
my 4th was excellent; BBQ, pool, drinks, a little smooching... it was all good
i love Dane Cook's Tourgasm on HBO. i'm watching them throw things into Niagara Falls right now.
i have about a zillion mosquito bites. trying very hard not to scratch.
my wrist is finally feeling better but my shoulder is currently hurting. i am an f-ing mess.
the cats are snoozing on the couch. i wish they would go and do something productive like clean their catbox or vacuum. they totally don't pull their weight.
i have nothing else exciting to report, i was going to reminisce about independence days of yore but am too lazy to think that hard. so you get this load of crap. wallow in it because you love me.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
wasting time
that's all i did last night. totally unproductive and lazy on the couch. of course, it's my one "free" evening this week so i should have done a little more, but did i care? no.
and this morning it's hard to get started. i was gung ho for about 15 minutes when I first got to the office but now i have no desire to do the project i really need to work on.
ugh. so i'm blogging and wasting a few more minutes before i HAVE to dig into it.
oh, and it is weird/hard to type right now. my wrist has been hurting for a while and mom diagnosed me with tendonitis. i bought a wrist brace to sleep in, and it didn't help that much so now i am wearing to to work in as well and it is weird and i look like a geek.
ok. that's it. gotta get my rear in gear.
Friday, June 23, 2006
Feeling the love
Wow, the last three comments i've gotten make me feel so loved! I would love to come and visit all of my friends...let's take a look and the travel plans of your wandering friend, me.
July: I'll be in DC for about a week. Anyone I know live close to there?
August: More personal travel planned here - first week I am trying to get to Hilton Head, SC with the fam. Come see me at the beach if you are close! Then mid-month I do have a Chicago trip planned. I will be staying with Jen, but would love to try and catch up with friends in Chicagoland (Kasi?) Then the end of the month I am in Denver and will be catching up with the fam.
September: I'll be in Dallas for a meeting towards the end of the month.
October: I'll be in San Antonio mid-month for work - big Texas meetings two months in a row. May also swing over to Austin for a few days while I'm in the neighborhood.
November: Tentatively may go to a planning meeting in Nashville. If I do end up going, I will probably stay extra to try and catch up with people.
December: Big meeting in Nashville, extending the trip is still TBD.
and that's the year, folks. As you can see, most of the travel is for work so I might slip in another personal trip here or there. Unfortunately Minnesota isn't on the roster, Aaron. :(
See why more and more vacation for me is being able to stay at the house and hang with the kitties?
I get to leave work in less than an hour - I am so stoked!
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Girls Night!
Dinner + Drinks + More Drinks + Girl Talk = Fun
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
sometimes things work out
isn't that nice?
when you don't expect it, life puts a gem in front of you. it might be in the form of a random encounter turning into a friendship (or more), a new opportunity when you were at the end of your rope, someone reaching out to you when you needed to get out of your head...
call it grace or karma or whatever you believe, i'm just thankful for the times when it happens.
now if i could just get this mosquito bite on my ankle to stop itching all would be right with the world.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
You all will be so proud of me
I have been very productive today - nothing majorly exciting but I'm trying to be better about blogging. So here you go - my glamtastic life:
*Managed to get up on time this morning and get to work by 7:30am on my summer hours schedule. I'm still not a "morning person" but I'm trying to get my body used to waking up a half hour earlier.
*Work was pretty good - I was able to focus, get some projects completed and felt decent about it overall. Had a healthy lunch that I cooked last night and didn't get swayed by the McDonalds run.
*Although I really wanted to go out to dinner, my girl Karla helped me stay strong and resist temptation to eat bad mexican food. Instead I went home and cooked (again! I know!) another yummy yet healthy meal with leftovers for lunches.
*I am a little sick and wrong, but it actually felt good to do housework tonight. With just me and the cats it never gets too bad, but with all the cooking there have been a lot of dishes to wash lately. (And even more sick and wrong, I don't really mind doing them by hand all that much.) I cleaned the kitchen, emptied trash, folded and PUT AWAY laundry, tidied my room and the bathroom, and paid bills.
*While watching one of the best shows on HBO, Entourage, I pulled out the mini-trampoline and exercised for about 40 minutes.
And now I am sitting on the couch with a cat on each side, watching sitcoms in syndication and blogging. I have been such a good girl all night long. I deserve a prize. Or a gold star. Or ONE MILLION DOLLARS!!!
Reward me for my good and responsible behavior. :)
Monday, June 19, 2006
Two days until summer, ladies and gentlemen! Time for lazy days at the pool, grilling out, sno-cones, baseball, and long evenings watching fireflies.
One of my favorite things about summer is the produce. Fresh peaches and watermelon and asparagus... yum! Dad kept a garden for several years when we were growing up and summer always meant tomatoes, tomatoes, and more tomatoes. There would always be so many they'd have to be eaten, given away, and stashed in the deep freeze for later. Then in the fall and winter he'd thaw them out for making the best spaghetti sauce and homemade chili.
My office has "summer hours" and mine started this week. Basically, you get assigned 3 weeks during the course of the summer where you can work 9 hour days Monday-Thursday and then get out a half day on Friday. Pretty sweet on Friday, but adjusting to getting up an hour earlier is always tough for me. My goal now is to get used to it this week so I can start getting up earlier and exercising in the mornings. We shall see how that pans out.
Another summer tradition starts this week - season tickets for the Municipal Opera (The "Muny") in St. Louis' fabulous Forest Park. I always enjoy sitting out under the stars watching a classic musical - it is often hot, but usually worth it!
We celebrated Father's Day yesterday at Mom & Dad's - pool time and appreciating the great guys in our lives. My Dad, Grandpa, brother and uncle were honored for being the wonderful fathers that they are.
Work has continued to chug along and keep me very busy. I am on a hiatus from travel for a few more weeks, then off to a meeting in Washington, DC in July. I have a LOT to get finalized before I go, so I know the next month is going to be crazy. I'm trying to work out going on a short vacation in August but we will see how that goes.
Hope the ice cream man stops at your house tonight!
Monday, May 22, 2006
Crazy Crazy Crazy
So, my recent life in synopsis:
Denver: This is where you found me last. My work there went very well, I enjoyed some much needed down time with my family there, and was glad to be home again.
More Travel: I went to New York City for a whirlwind weekend/training session for work. I love the city. If it wasn't a) so far away from my family and b) so expensive I would really like living there for a while. After that, I went to Albuquerque for my cousin's graduation and spent some more quality fam time. Lots of time in airports and on planes that week!
Work: Wow, it has been busy. My work buddy resigned recently, which is a bummer. I took on some additional work as a result, and have been scrambling ever since. However, I know that I do better under pressure, so I will (eventually) be fine. On deck for the next few months of travel are a local meeting in downtown STL, DC in July, Denver in August, Dallas in September.
And in the rest of my life: The fam is good, the house is cute, the cats are fat. My awesome nephew is the cutest t-ball player ever and finishes kindergarten pretty soon. I'm less single than I've been in a while and enjoying it a lot. Things are good.
I'll try to be more regular on my updates - but you know me. Best laid plans...